Our Capabilities

Whatever your challenge may be, we have the solution. We stand ready to tackle your biggest ambitions and boldest goals through our experience in technology consulting and IT services. We help you fortify your business with global delivery capabilities and digital transformation by leveraging technology to enhance value and optimize resources.

Our offerings and service models are built on Microsoft products such as Office 365, Dynamics 365 and Azure, and our expertise gives you innovative services and solutions to help transform your business and the way you work. We provide novel insights through AI and machine learning driven data analytics.


At DigiPropel, we provide a complete and holistic consulting experience, whether you are looking to upgrade your existing frameworks or delve into new solutions around CRM, ERP and Microsoft technologies. We engage with you and your company to help you further develop your business and strategies in a simple yet integrated manner.


Implementation is the cornerstone of adoption and is critical to a company’s IT success strategy. Modernizing and scaling business enterprises requires successful implementation, and we understand your requirements and help you choose the best fit for your business.


Migration has become a basis for forming an effective digital workplace. Migrating from your existing on-premises facility or legacy solution to the cloud brings in significant advantages for your business. With it, businesses achieve robust productivity, collaboration, project management, data analytics and much more.


Software testing is an integral part of the services offered by any IT company, and it ensures the product’s reliability, usability which ultimately translates into return on investment. We provide an end-to-end testing experience and collaborate with your teams to ensure the best quality of product delivery. Our consultants work closely with designers, developers, and users to create integrated, unique solutions for each of your products.

Information Technology Enables Services (ITeS)

In today’s business world, IT can be the differentiator that sets your business apart from the rest. But how can you leverage the most from your IT whilst maintaining sufficient focus on expanding your business. We specialize in developing unique recruitment and staffing solutions at all levels to help support your business model by focusing on IT Consulting and Staffing, Training, Language Localization and Managed Services.

Next: Who We Are

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